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Writer's pictureKieran Nolan


We offer exam preparation for a variety of Scholarship Exams, Select Entry Accelerated Learning and Enrichment Programs, Selective Entry High Schools and Specialist Schools. The content and approach of our workshops and practice exams, within these programs are based on the types of papers found in the actual examinations your child will be sitting. We have a strict maximum of up to eight students in each workshop. Parents are given group feedback by the teacher and are required to be in the classroom for the last fifteen minutes of each session. e.g. 12:15 pm for 12:30 pm finish. Students attending our workshops receive a work book and/or folder for each course they attend. There is more in the material than can be covered in class, and the extra materials Hendersons provides will allow your child to consolidate their skills before the actual examination. It is expected that the extra materials provided in each workshop will take a number of hours to complete. Hendersons advises families that students should attempt to complete the extra work as this will best equip them for the challenge of the real exam. Hendersons provide a simple morning or afternoon tea, and where the session spans a full day, lunch is also supplied. We suggest students bring a bottle of water. No other food is permitted on the premises. We aim to cater for those with dietary needs and/or requirements, including: gluten-free, vegan and/or vegetarian. We have a ‘No Nuts’ policy.

Scholarship Exam Preparation Scholarship examinations for private schools have a different purpose from ordinary classroom tests. While a school exam aims to measure what has already been taught, scholarship exams aim to predict the future achievement of the child. The majority of scholarships offered will cover a portion of the annual school fee. It is rare for a child to receive an offer of 100% remission of school fees (a full academic scholarship). Most private schools offer a 50% reduction in fees, whilst some offer 25% and possibly less than this. Additional fees usually apply for other incidentals such as sport and information technology.

Accelerated Learning Programs In 2019, 38 government secondary schools offered programs for very able children. These programs have been designed to accelerate students through high school, reducing secondary schooling from six to five years. Entrance is by competitive examination, interview and a teacher reference. A vast number of students who are selected to partake in this accelerated program will complete all content from the Year 7-10 curriculum in three years, instead of four. Students may then opt to complete the Victorian Certificate of Education in two or three years.

High Achiever Programs Many state secondary schools offer High Achiever Programs. These programs give advanced students the opportunity to engage with like-minded peers, and to extend their learning beyond the standard curriculum. Entrance to these programs is by competitive examination, interview and a teacher reference.

Selective Entry High Schools Preparation The Department of Education and Training (DET) uses a centralised selection process to admit students to Melbourne High School, Mac.Robertson Girls’ High School, Nossal High School and Suzanne Cory High School. These four schools are known, collectively, as the Selective Entry High Schools. Prior to the entrance examination, students are required to submit an application form, indicating their choice of the four selective entry schools, by order of preference. More details may be obtained from the Victorian Department of Education. Students who sit the selective entrance examination are ranked according to their aggregate score, and places are offered accordingly.

  • 85% of enrolments at Year 9 are selected from entrance examination results alone.

  • 10% of places are allocated according to rank, score and equity considerations.

  • 5% are selected through a “ Principal’s discretionary selection category ”. They are invited to attend an interview with the principal of the school, during which they may be asked to present a portfolio of achievements.

Other Academic Specialist Schools John Monash Science School (JMSS):

  • Science, Maths and associated technologies

  • Years 10 to 12 entry

  • An entrance examination is held in June for Year 9 students seeking one of the 200 Year 10 places and 20 Year 11 places.

  • 3% rule applies

Elizabeth Blackburn School of Sciences (EBSS):

  • The University High School

  • Years 11 and 12 entry

Exam held in July for Year 10 students seeking one of the 100 Year 11 places.

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